Pantex Plant

Pantex Plant Aerial View

Amarillo, Texas 1942 – Present

Operations at the Pantex Plant began in 1942. The Pantex Plant played a central role in the Cold War, assembling thousands of nuclear warheads that helped maintain the strained relations between the Soviet Union and the United States. Since 1975, Pantex has been the country’s primary facility for final assembly, disassembly, retrofit, and life-extension center for nuclear weapons. Pantex continues its mission to ensure the safety and security of our nation’s nuclear weapons. 

Read more about Pantex Plant in the 2021 Atomic Health News Summer Edition.

Did you or do you currently work at the Pantex Plant?

We Can Help!

For over a decade, we’ve helped atomic workers, including current and former Pantex Plant workers, get connected with and maximize their EEOICPA benefits and receive the quality care services they deserve. We know the EEOICPA inside and out and can help you wherever you’re at in your journey with your benefits!

More than 600,000 former atomic workers across the United States may qualify for up to $400,000 in financial compensation, plus no cost medical benefits for life through the Department of Labor’s EEOICPA.

Connect With Your Local Benefits Specialist
We can help you determine your EEOICPA benefit eligibility, establish your next steps, connect you to resources to help you file your claim, & help you get the most out of your white card benefits.


2505 Lakeview Drive #300A
Amarillo, TX 79109