Idaho National Laboratory

Idaho Falls, Idaho 1949 – Present
Established in 1949 as the National Reactor Testing Station, this Idaho National Lab was critical in our nation’s atomic history. The initial missions at the Idaho National Lab were focused on the development of civilian and defense nuclear reactor technologies as well as the management of spent nuclear fuel. Fifty-two reactors, most of them first-of-a-kind, were built at the site. The success of one of the early reactors, EBR-1, proved that nuclear power could be harnessed to produce electricity. Today, the INL furthers its legacy by leading the initiatives to develop next-generation reactor technologies, advanced fuel cycles, and space nuclear power systems.
Did you work in the Idaho National Laboratory?
We Can Help!
For over a decade, we’ve helped former atomic workers, including former Idaho National Lab workers, get connected with and maximize their EEOICPA benefits and receive the quality care services they deserve. We know the EEOICPA inside and out and can help you wherever you’re at in your journey with your benefits!
More than 600,000 former atomic workers across the United States may qualify for up to $400,000 in financial compensation, plus no cost medical benefits for life through the Department of Labor’s EEOICPA.
Connect With Your Local Benefits Specialist
We can help you determine your EEOICPA benefit eligibility, establish your next steps, connect you to resources to help you file your claim, & help you get the most out of your white card benefits.
354 West Sunnyside Rd, Suite C
Idaho Falls, ID 83402