Grand Junction Operations Office

In March of 1943, the US Army Corps of Engineers leased space in Grand Junction, CO to enable the construction of a uranium refinery and local recovery sites for the operations of the Manhattan Project. In August of 1943, the land was purchased and the site became the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grand Junction Projects Office, later becoming the Grand Junction Operations Office in the ’50s. Local vanadium mill tailings were sent to the GJOO location where they were refined into uranium oxide for nuclear weapons during the Cold War. Employees of the GJOO were potentially exposed through direct radiation and inhalation during the site’s operations.
Did you work at the Grand Junction Operations Office?
We Can Help!
For over a decade, we’ve helped former atomic workers, including former Grand Junction Operations Office workers, get connected with and maximize their EEOICPA benefits and receive the quality care services they deserve. We know the EEOICPA inside and out and can help you wherever you’re at in your journey with your benefits!
More than 600,000 former atomic workers across the United States may qualify for up to $400,000 in financial compensation, plus no cost medical benefits for life through the Department of Labor’s EEOICPA.
Connect With Your Local Benefits Specialist
We can help you determine your EEOICPA benefit eligibility, establish your next steps, connect you to resources to help you file your claim, & help you get the most out of your white card benefits.
631 24 1/2 Road, Suite C
Grand Junction, CO 81505